It is our pleasure to introduce our company through those words. And the following sentences summarize our past experience, affiliations, current projects, future goals and practical capabilities.
Al Mubadara International Company works with leading companies such as major contracting companies and real estate development companies that earned us sharing experiences, development, progress and growth. The International Initiative Company, which was established in the Republic of Iraq, operates as a leading company in the field of administrative and financial services and consultancy in various fields, from being specialized in its work and in the quality of existing employees.
Despite the difficult times we faced in our career, we believe that we have successfully reached a stage of self-confidence. Respect and dignity. Our pride is built on highly qualified employees, on the trust given to us by clients,
and above all, a high team spirit looking forward to achieve the same goals and dreams in our company, whether the partners are managers, consultants, experts, financial and administrative staff, we are all working to build a strong future and Peaceful and prosperous, as the previous years witnessed political and economic conditions, and the crisis of the Corona pandemic, which overshadowed the financial sector, was more difficult than its predecessors. In this, we believe in the importance of our role in contributing to building a strong economy.
Today, we put this file for the year 2021 in your hands, hoping that God Almighty will help us and you to continue on our path and achieve our goals, vision and desired values.